To succeed in this Digital Age that we’re living in now, you have to capture people’s attention, which is often already divided between several different forms of media. Online news sources will tell you that human attention spans are shortening, surpassing even the goldfish’s 9-second window of focus. But the real trick is to captivate an audience with something meaningful, useful, relevant, and perhaps a bit entertaining. After all, if we can binge-watch our favorite shows, all is not lost in the world of marketing.
Analytics play a massive role in identifying and catering to your audience. These digital breadcrumbs and voluntary bits of information can be used to compile a fairly accurate and complete image of your target demographic. The success of your business’s marketing endeavors hinges on your ability to decipher these bits of information and use them to your advantage.
Start by asking yourself a few questions: Who is going to need your product or service? What makes you unique? What makes you valuable to a specific population, and how does that affect the scope of your audience? Once you’ve created a vague profile and begun to experiment with marketing campaigns, you can start filling in the details by looking at who is interacting with and responding to your advertisements.
Social media is a major indicator of marketing success. Many platforms offer analytic tools and trackers that allow you to stay on top of important information. Who is liking your posts? How many people have used the links provided on your page or taken advantage of recent sales announcements? Gather some basic biographical information from your successes (age, gender, location, etc.) and go from there.
A/B testing is another smart way to measure success and determine the best marketing methods. Set up at least two unique advertising campaigns, each one with unique variables: placement, timing, channel, content, etc. Let the campaigns run, analyze the statistics, and see which one performs the best overall. While this may not give you all the answers right away, it will put you one step closer to understanding the most effective means of reaching your audience and achieving high conversion rates.The real potential of analytics lies in their ability to inform your decisions and steer the direction of your company. No more shots in the dark. Now, you can harness the power at your fingertips to forge a clear path forward. Let us help you realize your goals and achieve marketing success. Get in touch with our team here at Sumner Group to learn more about our services and get started today!