arketing your business can seem like an overwhelming task. Here's is the first in a series of articles that boil it all down to an easy-to-digest list of dos and don'ts.
Check out part 2 here, and part 3 here.
Share your goals, and find out about theirs. Being on the same page goes a long way towards achieving your marketing objectives.
Partner with someone who knows the full spectrum of available options for your marketing budget, and can make them all work for you.
Think in terms of getting positive attention. It’s ok to laugh at yourself, and to make others laugh, too.
The opinions of spouses, family, and friends are just that: opinions. And, more often than not, they are opinions from people who are not marketing professionals. Listen to the professionals. They know what they’re doing.
The points above are just the tip of the iceberg, but thinking about them can get you started down the path towards a successful marketing approach. Keep checking back here for the next entries in this series of Marketing Dos and Don'ts.
Until then, contact the Sumner Group to put a top-notch team to work marketing your business.