When it comes to letting people know your company exists, bigger can be better. There are a few out-of-the-box things you can explore if you want to make a huge impression in your marketing.
One "big" advertising method you can try is a flight banner. With this form of advertising an airplane tows a banner behind it at a low altitude. The noise of the plane compels the crowd to look up. The banner then becomes a highly-visible advertising tool. Flight banners tend to be most effective during the late spring and summer months. The banners can be flown over places people gather to enjoy the weather, like parks and beaches.
Flight banners are unique enough to catch people's attention without seeming out of place. This may make them a perfect marketing solution for your company.
If you're interested in using flight banners to advertise your business, give Sumner Group a call. We'll help you – and your brand – take off in every sense of the phrase. Contact us today and see how much of a difference it can make when you go big.