Marketing and advertising go hand in hand. One might even say they’re two sides of the same coin. While word of mouth is a great tool to build awareness of your brand, it can sometimes be slow and unreliable. The vast majority of businesses rely on some form of active market research and advertising campaigns.
Unfortunately, the marketing landscape is littered with pitfalls that may cost you and your business time and money. Even with a dedicated team of marketing professionals on the payroll, you might still run up against some of these mistakes. To help you prevent any disastrous setbacks, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common blunders and how you can avoid them.
Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are the things that set your business apart from others in the industry. So many new businesses don’t take the time to differentiate themselves, and they get lost in the shuffle. Before you begin marketing, sit down and figure out what you have to offer. Then, when it comes time to advertise and sell yourself, capitalize on those USPs.
The single most important thing to consider with any marketing campaign is a target audience. Who are you selling to? What do they want/need? Why do they need it? Too many businesses don’t have a target audience and end up trying to sell to the general population. Do the research up front to make the most of your advertising budget.
While billboards and mass mail marketing may still be a good investment on occasion, social media is the wave of the future. Not only does it give you instant and direct contact with potential clients, but it allows you to keep your brand fresh and relevant with just a few keystrokes. Don’t make the mistake of underutilizing platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and even YouTube.
While you may not consider customer service to be marketing, the reality is that a positive customer service experience can be the best advertisement. Not only will that customer be more likely to return, but they may share that experience with friends and family. To neglect your customer service is to miss out on a simple and effective way to build your brand.
Past marketing campaigns should always dictate future campaigns. Even if a campaign is unsuccessful, the information you’ve gathered can be invaluable. Use the results to fine-tune your approach, narrow your target audience, and get better results.
We’ve been around the block a few times, and we understand the pitfalls that come with the territory. Sumner Group can help you avoid common marketing mistakes, putting your business on the fast track to growth. Want to learn more? Contact us today, or fill out the interest form on our website!