Having a website is practically a requirement in the current Digital Age, especially if you
want your brand to grow and reach more people. But not all websites are created equal. There are
virtually infinite number of ways to customize your website, including layout, menus, pages,
colors, fonts, pictures, and written content. But it’s how you organize the information and present
your brand to the world that will make all the difference. You don’t have to be a marketing
genius to know that some websites will perform better than others. But what is it that sets them
apart? Read on to find out.
• Be Clear & Simple. The last thing consumers want is ambiguity. Effective branding is efficient
in describing who the product is for, why they need it, and how they can get it. Don’t force your
website users to dig through pages and pages of content to find out what you’re about. Be clear,
be direct, and keep it simple. Less is more.
• Use Multimedia. Multimedia, including audio and video, is a great way to capture the user’s
attention and make your website more dynamic. But be careful, as this is a slippery slope.
Multimedia can quickly become overwhelming and messy, so use sparingly to increase
• Make It Personal. Avoid stock photos if at all possible. Add a personal touch to your website by
commissioning your own professional photos. Consumers like to know who and what they’re
dealing with, and stock photos can appear cold and impersonal.
• Streamline Navigation. It’s critical that web users of all ages and experience levels can navigate
your website with ease. If they can’t find anything, or if something isn’t where it should be,
they’ll be more likely to abandon the site and move on. Ensuring that your website has a clear
pattern of organization will help increase its probability of success.
• Keep It Fresh. There’s nothing more off-putting to a consumer than coming across an outdated
website. Keeping your site up to date will not only boost consumers’ confidence in your product
or service, but it will help you rank higher in search engines. Consider including regular blog
posts or reviews to keep your site feeling fresh.
If you need a little professional know-how when it comes to keeping your website
relevant, Sumner Group has it in spades. With over 30 years of experience in marketing and
advertising, we know that a great website is key to your brand’s success. Contact us today to
learn more about how we can help you!